Your Questions, Answered

We've put together some of our most frequently asked questions to give you more information about our process, services, and much more. If you can't find an answer that you're looking for, please feel free to contact us.

Solar Panel Installations

Is my home a good candidate for solar panels?
How do solar panels work?
How many panels will I need?
How long does an installation typically take?


Do I need a new roof?
My roof just needs some minor repairs, what can I do?
Does NeoSun provide a roofing service?
What do I do if my roof has issues not related to solar panels, such as a leaking roof?

Electric Vehicle Charging

Can I charge my electric vehicle (EV) with solar panels?
Do you install EV chargers?

Energy Storage

What is energy storage?
Will you install batteries with my solar panel system?


What is the process to getting solar?
How long will it take?

Cost and Payments

How much will it cost to get a solar panel system for my home?
Do you offer a financing option?